12 Personalities from the fashion world join the

In anticipation of the anniversary of the iconic bag known as Mini Giovanna, 12 inspirations are joining an initiative that is spurring the imagination of future designers. Learn more about the stories behind their Mini Giovanna designs.
Ricardo Seco
Mexican, LATINX pro immigrant, political, edgy, playful, street.
My design is about how proud I feel to show my roots and where I come from, I am from the north of Coahuila, Mexico, where the sarape is part of our tradition and culture. The color helps me to reaffirm the migrant Latin Mexican in the US and the scorpion it is the protection seal that I like to share with everyone with my work. Some say that in order to be able to feel it we have to live it first and I believe that it has been like with this YLIANA YEPEZ project with this Mini Giovanna. Since I met her I have been able to live special moments and experiences that can be translated in a bunch of feelings which I appreciate and that I am also thankful. The first, the passion for her work and her endless search for perfection in everything she does. This handbag represents adding her identity with mine, represents the complicity of my life in NYC, because since I met her until now, I have always felt a real connection, passion. I know it is and it will be one of the biggest gifts until now, in this fashion industry in NY, I have received and where is not easy to have.
To me this handbag represents a truly complicity.
Mariana Copello
When creating a design for the purse I spontaneously thought about transferring my own creative process and artistic identity. I like manual work, the tactile sensation of exploring materials and visualizing their changes and evolution. Through superimposed rectilinear lines I achieve that linear and dynamic rhythm that I wanted to capture in the Mini Giovanna. With a central axis in yellow, I wanted to emphasize balance and symmetry, highlighting joy, energy and positivity with the use of that color.
This challenge had for me a personal and intimate story.
After the time of confinement, days of uncertainty, weeks away from my studio, one day I saw the challenge of the Mini Giovanna on YY's social networks and a spark of creativity ignited in me. It was that small and at the same time great incentive that led me to create again after this break. While I was doing it, other ideas began to emerge in parallel and that was how this challenge filled me with positivity, motivated me again and brought me back on track to the rhythm of work.
Many times I have been asked the question of what inspires me, and I remain convinced that the drive is in our experiences, memories, simple things that awaken our emotions, the details in daily life, our loved ones...
A few days ago it was a surprise for me when Yliana invited me to participate and I said: "You are not going to believe me but I have it ready" and I told her by phone about my experience. As she replied: "We are connected."
This challenge goes beyond the very design of a purse. It is a window, an opportunity, an illusion to undertake.
Sara Cristina Villasmil
Venezuelan / Designer
I wanted to design a beach version of the Mini Giovanna maintaining the essence of the Yliana Yepez brand with the influence of Sara Cristina, thus mixing the values and design integrity that characterize us. I used Mother of Pearl Resin which is a material that Yliana has used previously in her handbags and which I find extremely beautiful. I drew shells and snails which I imagine embroidered on the top of the bag. I enjoyed designing this Mini Giovanna very much! I love drawing and usually don't take the time to do it and this was the perfect opportunity to draw, create and relax.
Iván Dumont
Venezuelan / Photographer
Miss Mini Giovanna
My design is a tribute to our pop culture. Is a worship to Miss Venezuela. It is a proposal, funny and full of color. It is a wink to pop art of Warhol and therefore, an exaltation to the Venezuelan Misses that have lived the “15 minutes of fame” when they have won Miss Universe, and also, have contributed with the creation of a country brand. It is kitsch elevated to the next level.
This challenge was my vaccine against Covid. It was an emotional injection and illusion against the sadness that my mother’s loss had produced in me. It was a great challenge that came to me in the middle of this quarantine in Madrid. It was like waking up and challengenging these grey days with a good dose of color. Besides being a beautiful opportunity to encourage and show the talent of other people that don’t have the same reach on their platforms.
Sara Beltran
Mexican / Jewelry Designer
I decided to implement my classic shark fin design in repetition combined with my signature navy blue.
Stacey Griffith
American / Celebrity Fitness Trainer and Writer
While I am best known as a celebrity fitness trainer and author, fashion has always been my passion!
I love the effortlessly cool style of the Yliana Yepez “Mini Giovanna”
My inspiration is: As a surfer, I’ve always been drawn to seaside shades blue and aqua, set off by red, representing sunrise and sunset
Juan Avellaneda
His specialty are garments with a mediterranean touch to dandify men and women.
I love to be able to give my touch to pieces of another designers and more if they are friends, it is nice to see how two creative worlds coexist, Besides it is an honor that a friend let you reinterpret their design. I did it with my first print that is also very tropical and it took me to that model that was played by me in a girl or guy drinking in Cadaques next to the beach. I have always liked red and pink lines even though to give them more light they would need a tone in flour or even raffia.
Titina Penzini
Venezuelan / Jewelry Designer
Jardin a Porter by Titina Penzini
The meaning of my design:
Some years ago I had a very meaningful conversation with designer Yliana Yepez in which I asked her about the things she missed the most about our beloved country Venezuela when she had to leave it with her family.
Her answer moved me deeply since she replied-“ Titina I miss my garden, when I got back to Caracas one time my garden was so dry, sad and most of its plants were even dead or not even there any more, it was a sensation of emptiness that I can’t even describe.
I could never imagine myself that some years after that conversation I would have to go through the same experience. Gardens have an intense meaning for both of us, it is that special place where we sow illusions, hopes, beauty and suddenly we have to move to places where we just can have a little plant to water with great love.
The mini Giovanna Jardin a Porter is a little jewel garden completely embroidered on Italian silk faille #018 from Eurotextil which is currently used by major haute jewelry houses to enhance the beauty of colored precious gems.
The embroidery evokes a cornucopia of abundance made out of gold threads and pearls from which 3 branches of tropical palms (princes of nature) emerge each made of tiny emerald drops, next to them luscious silk embroidered orchids with grenat beads that symbolize the Venezuelan national flower surrounded by little buds and branches of tourmaline drops.
Sides and bottom of the piece are totally embroidered in green silk stems and orange blossom flowers in pearls from isla de Margarita reminiscing those that captivated the Conquistadors when America was discovered.
I dedicate this Mini Giovanna to Yliana so wherever she goes she can bring her garden close to her and never miss it again and also to all those women who had to leave their gardens behind.
Sandra Weil
I love experimenting with fashion beyond clothes. It was refreshing to design an accessory! I did it thinking of me, inspired by my 2020 summer collection called Paradise. If the collection had a bag, it would be this one.
Michelle Smith
American / Fashion Designer
This has been such a fun project!
I’ve always been an ardent fan of Yliana Yepez’s “Mini Giovanna” bag.
My design is inspired by love- “Amor Vincit Omnia” is Latin, which translates to “Love Conquers All”
Things are crazy and uncertain in the world right now, but no matter what, we will always have love. Love is more powerful than any other force, and it will see us through! AMOR VINCIT OMNIA!
Michelle Smith
Jorge Vázquez
Jorge's Mini Gio version is inspired by his 20/21 winter collection, a 70s-inspired print where geometrics and liberty coexist in a retro way.
Aura Marina Hernandéz
Venezuelan / Public Relations
For the design I got inspired in the blue color, which also happens to be also my nickname (Blue)
I felt very excited, the Giovanna is an iconic Yliana Yepez handbag. I am very proud to be participating in this challenge!